
Obama re-elected President

As the polls closed Tuesday night, millions of Americans watched and listened attentively, awaiting the big reveal- the presidential elect of 2012. With 303 electoral votes, current President Barack Obama won re-election, while Governor Mitt Romney, although closely trailed President Obama in the popular vote by less than three million votes, only scored 206 electoral votes.

Millions of Americans were relieved when President Obama surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

“I’m not surprised.” Stephanie Schley, a mother of three and experienced voter stated. Schley has complete faith in Obama and his plans for the next four years, but believes he will only be successful if the Republicans don’t try to interrupt them. “Education is a big thing. A lot of people need financial assistance to further their education.”

Zachary Harris, a recent high school graduate and first time voter also expects that the re-elected President will make due on his promises, so long as Congress doesn't try to impede. “Overall, I am okay with the choice of the president of the United States. I do believe however, that Romney’s overwhelming experience in the business world could have helped the economy.” For Harris and some of his friends, the deciding factors of his vote were the social issues (abortion, gay rights, separation of church and state) and foreign policy.

“I believe Obama can help us with the foreign issues. Any newcomer to the oval office will obviously have to adjust to the new element of foreign policy.” Harris articulated.

On the other hand, Romney supporters were in total shock and disbelief in the election results, most famously, Donald Trump. Trump took to twitter on election night and contested his disapproval of the results.

“This election is a sham and a total travesty! We are not a democracy!” he tweeted. He then later continued, “Hopefully the House of Representatives can hold our country together for four more years…stay strong and never give up.”

Perhaps he received great backlash from many people, particularly Obama supporters, because he then tweeted, “Why do so many people say I hate President Obama- I don’t hate the President at all. I just disagree with his policies!”

At any rate, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are going to have an interesting four more years, but with everyone working together for the good of the country, peace among the parties might finally be attained.


Women in the Media

Hey there! It's been a while since I've posted anything...to be honest, I've been trying to get motivated to do so and I finally found a topic that I feel passionate enough about to share my opinions.


So yesterday was the conclusion of the Basketball Wives Reunion, and quite frankly it went almost exactly how I expected. These women have had months to reflect on their actions by either watching the show or reading on how people like myself view them and the show, and I think they behaved accordingly. To be quite honest, shows like Basketball Wives, Mob Wives, Housewives of [Random City Name], etc. annoy me to no end, and yet, I can't stop watching them...why? Because they are role models. They show me how not to act in public. Their actions and the repercussions they face teach me as a young women that those sort of things are not and should not be tolerated. When I watch these shows, I don't look at them starry-eyed and say "I want to be like them! I want to have a life like theirs!" because, to be perfectly clear, their lives are not all that...they may have material things, and, let's face it, everyone can appreciate a nice car or a high fashion bag or two, but their personal lives are nothing to look up to. These women go through divorces, physical altercations, back stabbing, and other personal demons that are nothing to be proud of, but these women open up their lives for the world to see, and you know what? I admire them for that.

It can't be easy letting cameras into your house, filming day and night non-stop for months at a time. It can't be easy disclosing the deepest darkest secrets from your past for the whole world to see. But they know what they are getting into before they do the show...so there's no excuse as to why some of them act the way they do, especially if the point of the shows are to prove certain points.

I will say this though: Despite the backlash these women get from the critics, they continue to make money, and it is all thanks to the viewers. So viewers: if you're not happy with what you see, stop watching it. The higher the ratings, the better chance the show will continue. If you aren't happy with how these women treat each other and how they portray your demographic, stop watching. It's as simple as that. People with common sense know that not all black women are boisterous and "ghetto" and not all white women are easy or clueless. If you are so worried about how people will see you based on these shows, make sure you do the opposite of what they do, and you should be all right.

Now that is not to say that all these women do is bicker, fight, and sleep with each other's men. In each show there are always high points, a lot of times dealing with their kids (if they have them) or any extra-curricular activities. As hard as it is to acknowledge the good times, due to the overshadowing of the bad, we have to examine those just as closely. With that, there is poof that these women can act civilized and it gives me hope. 

Well, that's pretty much all I wanted to say about this topic. Adios!


Get Encouraged & Stay Encouraged!

Hello all! I haven't written a post in a while; I don't think I've been that motivated lately, but I decided to make a post about being encouraged...and rather than reading my own words, I've decided to express my thoughts in pictures and gifs...enjoy!

[None of these are mine) :)][oh and excuse some of the language...]

There are sooo many more out there but just know that THINGS REALLY DO GET BETTER! Don't let the mean people of today dictate your life for tomorrow. Only you can determine your future so YOU get out there and make your life happen for yourself! Get encouraged and STAY encouraged! :)

Peace out! :)



Okay, this is going to be one of the few times when this blog becomes extremely informal...


I have had the pleasure of being involved in a few fandoms in my time, from the Spice Girls to N*Sync to Britney Spears, to the Backstreet Boys (not in that order), and now I have recently "joined" if you will, the One Direction fandom...

I know.

But you know what? I have no shame! I'm proud to call myself a Directioner, because despite the cliche lyrics, the British/Irish accents, and they're boyish good looks, I personally think these boys are talented. But one thing I am not proud of is how these "fans" act, especially when it comes to these guys' personal lives. Now, One Direction is not the first to have "dedicated" fans (the boys like to call them that, but I say they're just plain nuts); not too long ago, Justin Bieber was the only boy that took the hearts of millions of girls. But as soon as he and Selena Gomez were official, the hate started pouring in...and then the death threats. Never in my life had I heard of fans threatening to kill someone because they were in a relationship with their idol. That boggled my mind. At first I just laughed because I knew exactly who the fans were; they were the 14 and 15 year old girls who had yet to experience anything. And what's funny (or not...) was that the same girls who would send these death threats and hate over twitter and other social media, were the same ones with the worst self-esteem and confidence. It's a mechanism that many if not all girls have in them that brings out the ugly.

The problem is that these girls are unrealistic. Just because the celebrities say they would date a fan, does not mean that a fan who is they're looking for to begin with. These boys don't want girls who constantly scream in their face every 5 seconds, or cry every time they look at them, or faint on sight. They want a girl who will challenge them every now and then and someone who will keep them grounded. I'm not saying that being a fan means you have no chance, but realistically speaking, you're not on their radar.

Putting hate on twitter is probably the most immature thing I've ever heard of, but simply thinking that degrading their girlfriends (or just "girl friends") on social media is going to change the boys minds about how they feel about them is just plain stupid. To the people who take the time to actually tweet about them: GET A GRIP. AND A LIFE. Drain all the jealousy out of your system because it is extremely rude not to mention pointless to call someone out over the Internet. I would probably have a little bit more respect for you if you did it to their faces because at least you have the guts to do it, but then again, I'd still think you were immature...

I don't mind the fandoms. I think they're great. Believe it or not, it gives people who probably would have never even talked to each other a chance to "fangirl" over something they have in common.

Now I want to point out one more thing: these Directioners are hardcore... and that's great and all, but you guys are some of the most unwelcoming people. Aside from the hatred on social media, these girls do not approve of new fans...which I do not understand because every single one of us were once new fans! As a new fan, you don't know every inside joke between the members of the group, you don't know their birthdays, nor do you know who their parents are. But what you do know is that you love the group and you want to see them succeed and continue to thrive. So rather than tearing down "Directionators" why don't you help to educate them? Why not tell them it's "Lou-ee" not "Lewis", rather than looking at them with a  stink face and giving them sarcasm??? Now, there's an honest question...

My big little rant is now over. I just want to say I love these boys, and although I did not follow them through their X Factor UK days, I still know the jokes (YouTube is amazing) and love them just the same. So just stop hatin'!

Okay, one last picture...



Experimentation: Sex, Drugs & Other Things

For many college students, the summer of 2012 has already started, but for many high school students, it is only rapidly approaching. Many of us plan to work, take summer classes, or travel. But many more of us are probably looking forward to the fun to be had this summer. And although bonfires, getting high, and munching on every and anything in sight sounds like the time of your life, is it really worth it? I'm sure many of you are nodding your heads crazily right now.

You're probably saying, "who is she to question how I have fun this summer?" and you are right. I'm no one. I have no say over anyone's life...but I do think it's important to at least acknowledge the "bad" that could happen while you're taking a million shots and participating in orgies with random people...


I can't help but laugh out loud when looking at this, because it is so true. I have had numerous conversations with people who were avid about marijuana, and even though their main argument was "it's fun", that was never enough for me to try it...or any drug for that matter...

I had an in depth argument with a marijuana user last year after I made a snide comment about it giving me brain damage, and of course he made every attempt to "defend" marijuana. He tried to tell me that marijuana doesn't actually cause brain damage, but it actually enhances your brain functions....since when? The way I see it, if marijuana wasn't a big deal, it would be legal. And since marijuana is considered the "gateway drug", a user is more likely to try another drug, especially when under the influence. I don't want to seem like a parent and tell you "say no to drugs" (even though you should...), but I'm a strong advocate of safety and taking precautions. But I get it. WE'RE YOUNG. We want to experience everything while we still can. We have this mentality that no one can stop us and that we are invincible... but we are far from. Speaking for only myself, I've had tons of fun in my life, without having to take a single hit of any drug. Just saying.


What I want to know is who came up with the notion that drinking at parties was acceptable? If you can't have fun at a party without any substance in your blood, then you really aren't a "party person". THERE. I SAID IT. As a college student, I get nervous for my peers because of the amount of "pre-gaming" that goes on. If you drink so much that you can barely walk, let alone stand up, how do you expect to have fun at a party? You can't have fun when your head is in the toilet all night or when you're falling all over people, getting into fights, and a bunch of other nonsense. My biggest argument: if you are too drunk to even remember what you did the night before, how do you even know if you had fun? that's okay. I'll pass...

I know, I know...I sound like a complete stick in the mud...and maybe I am...but I can be proud of myself and say that I've never gotten to the point where I questioned what, who, and how I did something the night before...

Maybe I'm being to harsh...maybe because I haven't experiences these things, I don't know what real fun is, right? Yeah maybe that's it....(sarcasm). I'm sorry, I'm not hot about the idea of underage drinking. What's wrong with waiting until you're legal?

Ha ha. I'm a little immature when it comes to talking about sex. I don't know why...

Sex is supposed to be a fun thing, and some people pride themselves on having a lot of it, and with random people I might add. I just want to point out that at my university, there were 9 freshman who got tested and had contracted HIV. 9. FRESHMEN. Let me reiterate: Nine people in my class had got themselves checked, and found out that they had contracted HIV. That's a serious problem...the number 9 is not a large number, but when we are talking about the spread of an epidemic at a private school of less than 7,500 than that's a BIG DEAL. Notice that I also said nice got checked. As in, there is a strong possibility that there are way more than 9 freshmen carrying the disease. Now, we've all probably had enough health class in middle and high school and are probably able to recite every STD to the tune of the alphabet. But why is it that people still seek the instant pleasure without worrying about the long-term effects...those are the ones that matter anyway...

THIS IS DISGUSTING. I may never get my questions answered as to why some of our generation lacks common sense, but I guess it's needed...we need people to show our kids what not to do....

(I don't disagree with this...but let's have fun within reason.)

Ultimately, you're going to do what you want. I can't stop you, nor will I try. But my whole goal in life is to influence people for the better, and if I can get one person to at least think twice, I'm achieving my goal :)


Religion: Bridge Over Troubled Water

[Please excuse the language on the graphics...they in no way are my personal words, but for the sake of the post, are included]

What is religion? What does it mean to you? For me, religion is hope. Religion gives me something to aim for. If you think about it, our whole world is based around religion. The founding fathers of America based the laws of the land on biblical allusions, and a lot of the controversial issues America is currently facing are all due to the disputable content in religious texts.

Personally, I grew up in a Christian home, knowing the Ten Commandments, and believing that homosexuality was wrong. But it wasn't until I reached high school that I was able to really analyze my beliefs for myself, and not live solely on what was told to me when I was younger. Now don't get me wrong; I still whole-heartedly believe in God, as well as a majority of what was taught to me, but some things still remain in a gray area...for instance, homosexuality...

Like I said, I grew up in a house where it was said that being gay was a bad thing, and that I would go to hell for being gay (in other words I was discouraged from "becoming a homosexual"), but it somewhat contradicted the statement that was always stressed to me: "God loves everyone, not matter what". So for me, when someone says "gays are going to hell", I think, "who are we to condemn them for doing something they want?" It makes me so uncomfortable that people feel so deeply about a personal issue, and it also bothers me, because just 60 years ago, black people were in the same position...

Did you know... that it was made a law that blacks could not marry whites during the Jim Crow era? It seems like an obvious statement, considering the blatant segregation, but it still hurts, because in the end, we are all people, and we should not be told who we should marry, just on the basis of religious views. The way I see it, if you really think homosexuality is that serious of an issue, just don't pay any attention to it; let homosexuals be homosexuals and worry about yourself. Don't continue to try and persuade people who obviously do not want to change. Just get yourself right and you can guarantee your eternal life (if you believe in that).

If you're one of those people who are adamant about your religion, think about it this way: The Ten Commandments are the ultimate religious law of the land... idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, and adultery are a few prohibited acts, but no where does it say "thou shall not be homosexual". I think we should get our priorities in check for ourselves and concentrate on bigger problems (such as the ones listed in the Ten Commandments) before we start condemning people for loving those of the same sex.

That's all I have to say about that particular subject...

Now back to religion as a whole... a lot of people are still apathetic, or don't really have a preference or care for religion, and that's okay; I had an apathetic friend in high school, who was quite logical and could not wrap her head around the idea of God, but when she did have a religious based question, I, my Methodist friend, and my Jewish friend (odd...I know) were there to answer her questions, and although we all had somewhat different answers, she understood that the root of them were quite similar. And that brings me to another point of why religion can seem confusing; every denomination believes they are right. and I personally believe that, to an extent, every religion is right. I know it is an odd observation, but I truly believe it...I also think that the every religion's foundation is based on similar values and beliefs, but minor variations cause the most uproar and I have no clue why.

Lately, I've been asking myself, "what if I married a Muslim? Or a Jewish man? Would my parents approve?" I can honestly say, I don't think so. But the real question is would I care if the person I married was a Muslim, Jewish, or of another faith. I definitely know that I could not marry an atheist, because our views would be extremely different, but I would not mind spending my life with someone who believed in another form of what I believe. It's strange, I know, but I'm a little more open-mined these days, and I would completely be up for a new learning experience, I mean, that is what life is about, right?

To wrap this all up, religion is supposed to be a good thing; it's supposed to bring joy, life, and hope into the lives of people who have dealt with trials and tribulations. I'm not the type to shove bible verses down my friends throat, nor do I condone it. But if someone is trying to explain their views and beliefs, it wouldn't hurt to at least hear them out...you might learn something.

Signing off!


iTunes Top 10 Tracks - Week 1

Okay, so I just love music... I mean who doesn't right? Anyways, I wanted to do somewhat of a "review" so to speak on the top 10 tracks on iTunes at the moment, so here we go:

1. PAYPHONE (ft. Wiz Khalifa) - Maroon 5

I'm sort of a sucker for Adam Levine and Maroon 5, so I definitely gave this song a chance and fell in love with it. Check out the music video here!

2. SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW (ft. Kimbra) - Gotye

I'll be honest, I had not heard this song before Glee did it...I know, I feel ashamed. But once I saw Glee do it, I knew I had to download the original. IT'S SUCH A GREAT SONG! It is constantly on replay (my roommate made fun of me because every time she would look over I was singing to it). The music video got me though...I wasn't sure really what to think of it...but I still love the song so buy it! To watch the video, click here!

3. WE ARE YOUNG (ft. Janelle Monae) - Fun.

THIS SONG IS MY ANTHEM!!! and not to mention the reason i named the blog what i did :) It's a fantastic song! I have yet to find someone who did not like the song. It's another one of those songs that you can find on my Most Played Songs list on my iPod! watch the music video here!

4. BOYFRIEND - Justin Bieber

Okay...I had heard the song a while ago, and of course it got a lot of hype from the 15 year old fangirls, but I wasn't to much feeling it...at first. When I heard Justin "rapping" I couldn't handle the When MTV started promoting the video premier, I just brushed it off, I can genuinely say that I was not looking forward to it. But for some reason, when I went on Twitter and Tumblr, the video was all what people were talking about, so I checked it out and much to my surprise, I was impressed. I cold definitely tell he had grown up a little (more like a lot) and that his music was beginning to mature. Bottom line: I recommend it. watch it!

5. CALL ME MAYBE - Carly Rae Jepson

This song...it makes me smile. It really does. I was a tiny bit skeptical since apparently she was signed on Justin Bieber's label (honestly I didn't even know he had a label...), but I listened to it and found myself not only bobbing my head, but singing along. It's quite a catchy tune, if I do say so myself. But why believe me? preview the song on iTunes or watch it on YouTube


I've been waiting to do this one. Okay, here we go: ONE DIRECTION. If you haven't heard of them...you've been living under a rock. They are, without a doubt, the biggest boy band out right now. When I first heard of them, I'll admit, I gave them the cold shoulder. The thought of a another boy band like Big Time Rush made me cringe a bit. Not that Big Time Rush is bad, but for some reason, boy bands have a curse of being so cliche that they just aren't cool anymore. But these guys are, according to their million plus fan base. After much deliberation, I watched the video on YouTube, and honestly, I fell in love. Hard. I don't know if it was their looks or the fact that they were British and Irish, but I'll admit...I'm a Directioner. I wouldn't be so quick to count these guys out. They're amazing. watch the video...just do it.

7. WILD ONES (ft. Sia) - Flo Rida

Flo Rida - Wild Ones Lyrics (Feat Sia)

I can always count on Flo Rida to produce an amazing fist-pumping party hit. I'm definitely  fan and I can definitely say that he did not disappoint with this song! Honestly, there really isn't much else to say besides go watch the video!

8. GLAD YOU CAME - The Wanted

The Wanted is another Brit-Irish bad who is taking over the American charts! They're a little older than One Direction, and they definitely appeal to the young adult population a little more than 1D, but get back on track, this song is an amazing! Glee did this song, and I wouldn't say I was not impressed, but it's one of those times when the original is always better. watch it now!

9. DRIVE BY - Train

 I had heard of the band Train, but I had never honestly taken an interest to them until I heard "Hey Soul Sister". So I decided to listened to the track... it was pretty good, I'll admit. It's pop-like and definitely a song you can sing to! check out the video!

10. SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW (Tiesto Remix) [ft. Kimbra] - Gotye

...It's an interesting remix... Listen to it for yourself!

Thanks for viewing! :)